This was my first ride joining roadies, and I wasn't sure how my new bike would hold up to the road riders' carbon fiber bikes and skinny tires. The verdict: pretty good.
I joined the Charles River Wheelmen for their recurring South Shore Coastal Loop ride around Scituate, MA. What a cool ride! Awesome views of the ocean, massive New England coastal homes, and at least half of the ride smelled like mulch, fruity ocean, pine forest, or swamp. Super. Strong winds off the water. I got dropped by the fast group around mile 18 when I stopped to take this picture:

After I was dropped, I stopped to take more pictures, until the slower group showed up.
Fly fisherman:

This is probably near Musquatchcut Pond:

By the time I met up with the slower group, I was realizing I hadn't had enough for breakfast. As we took off and started climbing some hills, I started feeling some pretty sugar-craving-induced despair. ("4000 miles of this!?") Surefire early signs of bonk-age. The things you forget... Bring food on a ride!
More views from the ride. Bottom right - return to Boston.
39 miles done! (See the map for the first 27 miles of it here.)
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